Sandwich Sunday

Once a month our church community aims to share a meal together in order to know one another more deeply and enjoy connecting at the table. Sandwich Sunday is coming

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Bunco Tournament

Cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19. If you can toss a dice, you can play! This is a fun way to spend time with our whole church family. Everyone is

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Good Friday Service

You are invited to a hybrid Good Friday service at 10:00am at College Park Covenant Church. Some will worship in-person and some virtually. If you would like to attend the

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Sandwich Sunday

Once a month our church community aims to share a meal together in order to know one another more deeply and enjoy connecting at the table. Sandwich Sunday is coming

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Easter Sunday Baptism Service

Baptism on Easter Sunday – If you are interested in being baptized, there will be an opportunity to do so on Easter Sunday. Please talk to Pastor Kirsten if this is something you are considering

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Family Book Club

Team Family invites you to participate in our first Family Book Club, March 10, 4:00pm to 6:30pm We have multiple copies of “Tales of the Kingdom” by David and Karen

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Practice Group

A midweek Practice Group will be held every other Wednesday beginning January 24, 7PM to 8:30PM.  We will have a chance to practice together, and talk about how its going with the practices

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Practice Group

A midweek Practice Group will be held every other Wednesday beginning January 24, 7PM to 8:30PM.  We will have a chance to practice together, and talk about how its going with the practices

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Practice Group

A midweek Practice Group will be held every other Wednesday beginning January 24, 7PM to 8:30PM.  We will have a chance to practice together, and talk about how its going with the practices

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24-Hour Prayer Vigil

College Park Covenant Church will be praying for 24 hours straight to kick off the New Year. We want to give ourselves to God in a fresh way in 2025.

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Prayer Night

To mark prayer week, you are invited to the church for a time of prayer together in the sanctuary. Pastor Kirsten will lead this time of prayer and will be

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Christmas Brunch

Team Embrace invites you to our Christmas Brunch on Sunday, December 1 at 9 am. We will enjoy a delicious catered brunch in the sanctuary followed by a simple worship

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coffee cups

Enneagram Workshop

The Enneagram is a personality typing system. Through exploring 9 specific ways of being, it can deepen our understanding of and love for ourselves,others and God. This compassionate tool gets at the ‘why’

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