coffee cups

Coffee Club

Every other Thursday from 4:00-6:00pm we offer a time for people from our community to gather in a welcoming, friendly, comfortable environment to hang out and eat a simple meal

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coffee cups

Coffee Club

Every other Thursday from 4:00-6:00pm we offer a time for people from our community to gather in a welcoming, friendly, comfortable environment to hang out and eat a simple meal

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Younger Adults at CPCC

Younger Adults of College Park: We meet every month in a different home, hosted by various families of the church. A main dish is provided and sides, appy’s or desserts

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Grey Cup Party

Grab your lawn chairs and some snacks and come celebrate the 2019 Grey Cup with your friends at College Park Covenant! Gather at 4:30 ahead of the 5pm kick-off, projected

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Fishes and Loaves

For several years we have been preparing lunches for those in need, dropping bagged tunafish lunches off at the Salvation Army, Metis Friendship Centre, and the like. Some people mix

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Young Adults at CPCC

Young Adults of College Park: We meet every month in a different home, hosted by various families of the church. A main dish is provided and sides or appy’s are

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Young Adults at CPCC

Young Adults of College Park: We meet every month in a different home, hosted by various families of the church. A main dish is provided and sides or appy’s are

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Young People at CPCC

Our next gathering is going to be on September 23rd at 6:30 pm. Gloria and James have graciously offered their home to us (contact the church or Paxton for the

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Immerse: Beginnings

Coming this Fall…  Do you remember the Community Bible Experience of reading the New Testament together? This time our 8 weeks of reading God’s word together will be in the Old Testament. Called Immerse: Beginnings, this

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Young Adults

Steve and Kirsten will host the Young Adults on July 15. Let’s say come at 6pm and we will eat maybe 6:30. We will BBQ burgers and people can bring

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Spring Work Bee & BBQ

Come get the church yard and exterior spruced up for the summer! Bring rakes, hoes, spades, hedge trimmers, brooms, window washing supplies, rags, pails, etc. to do some clean-up on

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Our family of Canadian Covenant churches will meet in Winnipeg, MB for the conference annual meeting. Pastor Kirsten & Steve, Jonnie Scrivens and David Peterson will be attending as our

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