Prayer is not a mere formality. It is not something we do for the sake of procedure or decorum. Prayer acknowledges that God is present with us at all times and in all places. Prayer honours God as Creator, Lord, and Saviour. Coming before God in prayer is an act of worship. Prayer is a gracious gift from a God who desires personal relationship with us – who is always ready to listen and to speak.
Following Jesus’ way is not possible without learning to say thank you, to ask for help, to practice listening to God’s voice. See prayer resources from the ECC, or sign up for weekly prayer emails from the Canadian Covenant family of churches.
Ask for Prayer
Our church family has an informal prayer chain email list. When someone asks for prayer an email is sent out to our pray-ers with the specific details. To request prayer, contact the office to talk with one of the pastors, or to share a need with our prayer chain.
On Sundays after the worship service there are people available to pray as well. Ask a pastor or one of our leaders if you would like prayer. There is also a prayer room off the left side of the worship space.