12/03/17 – 12/22/19


Advent is the season that kicks off the Christian calendar year for the four weeks leading up to Christmas (which is Jesus’ birthday). The word advent means arrival, and this season symbolizes our present situation, as God’s people wait for the return of Christ in glory to consummate his eternal kingdom. Similar to Israel at the end of the Old Testament, we are at some level in exile, waiting and hoping in prayerful expectation for the coming of the Messiah. Israel looked back to God’s past gracious actions on their behalf in leading them out of Egypt in the Exodus, and on this basis they called for God once again to act for them. In the same way, the church, during Advent, looks back upon Jesus’ first coming in celebration while simultaneously looking forward in eager anticipation to the coming of Christ’s kingdom when he returns for his people and restores all of creation.