Together for Good – Marriage Workshop
From 7:00 pm to 4:00 pmFriday, Nov. 2, 7-9pm and Saturday, Nov. 3, 9am-4pm Whether you have been married for years, just newly married, somewhere in between or even soon-to-be married you are warmly invited to attend Together for Good! This marriage workshop will be an opportunity for couples to reconnect, reestablish the foundation, and rekindle romance, fostering greater closeness and trust in your marriage. There will be videos shown featuring Neil and Sharol Josephson from Family Life Canada. For more information visit the Together for Good page on the Family Life Canada website. Cost: $25/couple – lunch will be provided Please fill in this form (or contact the office) if you are interested in attending. [si-contact-form form=’5′]
909 Acadia Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5N4, Canada
Friday, Nov. 2, 7-9pm and Saturday, Nov. 3, 9am-4pm
Whether you have been married for years, just newly married, somewhere in between or even soon-to-be married you are warmly invited to attend Together for Good! This marriage workshop will be an opportunity for couples to reconnect, reestablish the foundation, and rekindle romance, fostering greater closeness and trust in your marriage.
There will be videos shown featuring Neil and Sharol Josephson from Family Life Canada. For more information visit the Together for Good page on the Family Life Canada website.
Cost: $25/couple – lunch will be provided
Please fill in this form (or contact the office) if you are interested in attending.
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