Enthusiastic Adults
From 12:15 pm to 2:00 pmThe Enthusiastic Adults meet periodically throughout the year enjoying each other’s company and socializing, often around a meal at a restaurant or maybe even playing board games at the church. If you think you are enthusiastic and an adult, you are welcome! On June 4 the Enthusiastic Adults will be going for lunch at Oriental Aroma (928 8 St E – across the street from the Esso station on the north) right after the congregational meeting. Rides will be available. If you have questions, contact Mel & Deanna or Jim & Carolyn.
928 8 St E, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0R8, Canada
The Enthusiastic Adults meet periodically throughout the year enjoying each other’s company and socializing, often around a meal at a restaurant or maybe even playing board games at the church. If you think you are enthusiastic and an adult, you are welcome!
On June 4 the Enthusiastic Adults will be going for lunch at Oriental Aroma (928 8 St E – across the street from the Esso station on the north) right after the congregational meeting. Rides will be available. If you have questions, contact Mel & Deanna or Jim & Carolyn.